Adam's Ramblings
Thoughts and randomness
2021-02-21 - Nothing to say this week
This week I find myself with nothing much to say but still manage to note a few things down.
2021-02-14 - Trying out Gemini, for a stripped back internet
In February 2021, it seems the buzz is around Gemini. I gave it a go and I like it!
2021-02-07 - Adjusting Animated Gif Images on Linux
How to adjust animated gif images on linux, a reminder to me for the next time I need to do this.
2021-01-31 - Exploring Streamlit for Machine Learning Apps
Creating a web app for predicting Titanic disaster survival using Streamlit
2021-01-24 - Sorting 2000 Plus Jpg Files Into Folders
My NatureWatch camera has generated over 2000 images that need sorting into folders by date. Here's how I solved that problem.
2021-01-17 - Technology Refresh Old but New
It was time for a technology refresh, eBay to the rescue
2021-01-10 - Running Arduino IDE on DWM UI Issues
Resolving sizing and menu issues when running the Ardunio IDE under DWM, a note to self
2021-01-03 - UFO Files
X-Files and exploring UK UFO activity data
2020-12-29 - Mince Pies
A reminder to me on how to make mince pies
2020-08-22 - Changing Site Design
Time to update the site to add a little more colour
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